Sunday, December 3, 2006

Whales, Elephant Seals, Penguins, Sunburn

Today I realised I was definitley over my jetlag when I got up at 7am and felt as crap as I usually do at 7am. But the day that ensued made the ´´early´´ morning well worth it. At 8am a minibus picked us up from our hostel, it was full of other tourist who all spoke English better thant they did Spanish and thus the tour was conducted in English. Our guide was fantastic. Enthusiastic, clearly good at what she did, and a grasp on the English language which enabled us to understand her easily but still be amused at the way she said belly-button. I´m not complaining, obviously her English was infinitely better than our Spanish. Anyway the bus trip took about an hour to get from Puerto Madryn to Puerto Pyramides. Once at Puerto Pyramides we hopped on a boat that seated about 45 people, and the driver took us out to see a bunch of Southern Wright Whales and their calves. It was amazing! We saw about 10 whales, 5 mums with their babies, and we got to within 5 meters of them. We got a heap of photos, but the problem with photographing whales is that the majority of them remains underwater while you take the photo, so most of the photos are of black rubbery mounds sticking out of the water. I got a couple of good ones though. After that we headed to an elephant seal colony. It was pretty cool watching them play and fight and move a little bit and then stop moving. They moved like giant slugs! Unfortunately we couldn´t get very close, so the photos are a bit ordinary, it was a spectacular sight though, especially with the clear sky, amazing blue water, and vast cliff faces.
After spending about an hour with the elephant seals, we went and saw a penguin colony. It was amazing how close we could get, literally less than a meter. The penguins didn´t care. They stood non-chalantly over their nests, hardly noticing us. It was awesome.
It was towards the end of the day that we realised we were had forgotten sunscreen and were all quite burnt, which was silly, but oh well.
Gotta go now the place is closing!

Catch ya



Emma said...

This be your two favourite people in the world! YAY!...Well maybe one of them...we all know you don't like Brit that much haha. I had to delete that last comment cos it had some incriminating evidence and harsh language i thought certain family members might not appreciate. So this one i'm keeping clean. Yay for whales, they sound...big. As expected mum cringed when you said you got sunburnt...naughty. Have fun little brother, be least a little. xoxox
Emma...and Brit

leblogmac said...

whales/penguins- bah, just go to Victor Harbor.
Seals- since his retirement, Ian Thorpe has been appearing for a small fee. You can watch him "play and fight and move a little bit and then stop moving" for a small fee.

Nice photos Dylan, looks like you are having a rough life- sleeping, swimming and squatting next to animals.
