Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Glaciers galore... well one...

Hey yáll
After seeing all the animals at Peninsula Valdes we jumped on a bus to Calefate. It was a 24 hour bus trip, and we worked out the entire trip was a four day detour out of our way for the sole purpose of seeing a glacier. By the end of the bus trip we were all thinking to ourselves that this had better be one hell of an impressive glacier. When we arrived in Calafate it was cold, I mean icy cold. It is a cute little village, and after passing several impressive cosy looking hostels, we came to the very average looking one that we had booked. Inside it was not much better, the toilets were a bit of a joke. However, a joke that would be more funny for you guys, than for those of us who had to use these particular facilities. We had a cheap and mildly satisfying meal, downed two bottles of wine, and passed out in our dorms, which we had to ourselves. Half way through the night Sarah woke up and swore she saw a guy in boxer shorts standing over her. She looked across at where Ness and I were sleeping and we were both there. So either it was a dream, or there was someone in our room watching us sleep, or the third option; this was a jammy clad ghost of some poor tourist who froze to death using the sub-par bathrooms and continues to haunt the premises to this very day. Either way it freaked Sarah out. On a side note for Lachy, this is the first time we´ve had any more trouble with guys since we made your t-shirts!
Anywho, we got up this morning and got ready for our glacier adventure. We had booked a taxi for the day, which cost us $40 Aus each, but was the cheapest way of getting to and from Glacier Perito Moreno. It was also the quikest cos our driver travelled at 150km plus and hour. It was a spectacular drive, our first view of the fast approaching Andes was breath taking. Our first glimpse of the glacier was even more so. I have never seen anything like this before in my life. Not even in Victor Harbour! Words can´t really explain how impressive this thing was. Plus as it was an active glacier it was making these cracking sounds and bits were falling off it. Shortly after we arrived this massive chunk fell off. It had to have been 35 metres high and 10 metres wide. I cannot adequatley describe it beyond this, but it was pretty damn cool. Then we got on a boat that took us quite clost to the glacier, and that was pretty awesome as well.
After another quick taxi ride we were back in Calefate. We decided we´d cook for the first time in the trip. We made spag bog, with heaps of veges (as we have had none in the last week and a half), and it was awesome, but more importantly cheap ($5 Aus all up).
That brings me bout up to date. Getting prepared for another epic bus ride to Bariloche, where we are going canopying, and eating chocolate.
Hope you are all having just as awesome a time at home!
Hahahahahahahaha.... feel free to send money over...

Luv Dylan, xo


brit said...

ha ha ha! what's canopying?

Emma said...

OO OOO OOOOOO....i want some chocolate...and touche brit...what IS canopying is that where you ing in the canopy? i dunno do stuff in trees maybe

Dylan said...

Canopying is like a giant ropes course, kind of like a flying fox, but for 2.5km. You do it through the tops of a forest and monkeys throw things at you when you pass by. Sounds awesome!

leblogmac said...

Fools, you don't know what canopying is? This is my favourite t-shirt.

brit said...

Oh man, that's cool. Ta for the explanation - between the blurb there and the t-shirt I'm all clued up now. Hey, don't die or anything.

Dylan said...

That´s the BEST t-shirt in the world. I totally agree; every day IS a canopying day, I think we could all learn from that!