Monday, November 27, 2006


So, we made it safely to our first destination, Buenos Aires.
Currently I am sitting on the roof of our hostel (the Portal del Sur), where there is both a bar and internet access. There's a pretty awesome view of many grand buildings that are in varying states of disrepair, which seems to be a common theme throughout this huge city. It's mid afternoon and Ness and Sarah are napping, we're all pretty jetlagged. Yesterday we worked out that we had only slept about 6 hours in the previous 50, and my body still has no idea as to what time it is anywhere. In fact it's pretty hard to believe that it was only yesterday that we left adelaide. The flights were okay, but damn long. The food was awful, and served at strange times, but this was to be expected. Everything was going ok until we got to Santiago Chile, and they messed up the entire flight's transfers. We were lucky only to be held up for 7 hours, some people couldn't get flights until the next day. With nothing to do, and no Chilean currency, we began talking to other passengers. A surprising amount of Adelaidians were doing the same thing we were. In fact Rory's girlfriend Clair and her friends were on the same flight. So the wait wasn't too bad. I made my first attempt at communicating with someone whose language I didn't understand and made a fair ass of myself in the process. We were getting lunch, and I thought this guy was saying "dip, dip" and I was like I don't want any dip I just want my chicken and pepsi. He threw his arms in the air and walked away, we soon realised he was trying to get a tip, which is customary on this side of the world. Later on we tipped him, explaining that we were slow in the head, in the best Spanish we could muster, he laughed. All the locals we have met so far have been pretty accommodating. Anywho, I've got to cut this short, cos there's a cue for the computer and I've been on it for a while.
So I'll leave it you in suspense and you can all read the conclusion to this rather bland story on another occassion!

This photo is of a huge head in the Santiago airport!

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