Monday, November 20, 2006

It begins

Welcome all to the beginning of my amazing adventure.
I intend for this blog to be a record of my trip to South America starting this Sunday the 26th of November 2006 and ending upon my planned return on some day I'm not entirley sure of, the 4th of March 2007.
This will be your standard travel blog; self indulgent, riddled with in-jokes, and full of tedious long-winded stroies that have neither a point nor a satisfying conclusion. My adventure can be accurately deemed "amazing" for every day that I survive in a completely foreign country, with-out any travel experience or know-how. Further, it may be deemd "amazing" for every day my co-travellers Ness and Sarah do not murder me in my sleep. Not that either of them are in anyway nasty, but my prolonged company has been known to be quite grating. Unfortunately for you, the reader, the word "amazing" is not meant to suggest that this blog is supposed to be in anyway interesting.
So if you have fallen upon this blog by accident, take heed to my warning and stop reading now. Go look up some porn, or conspiracy thoeries about celebrity deaths, you know, the things the internet was actually intended for. If you are a friend or family member, don't feel obliged to read on either, I probably wouldn't read your travel blog. For those of you who do decide to read on, I hope you find something of interest, even if it is laughing at the myriad of spelling erors and gramatical mishappening's.


AKA the Chuckle Bear


Emma said...

Yay for Dylan...leaving. Word of advice...don't wear concrete shoes...even if they are made of what it supposedly "speed" concrete.

James said...

well, i'm going to read all of it. even though it may be because i'm procrastinating... i can't be bothered applying for jobs right now