Friday, October 26, 2007

Florence to Paris

Hello all. Today is our third day in Paris, and it has been amazing, but first I shall tell you about Florence.
Florence was cool. Both figuratively and literally. There was plenty to do and see, and the weather was icy cold. The latter would not have been too much of a problem except that we were staying in a tent at a camp ground, so even in taking refuge in our tent did not altogether relieve us from the cold. However, we persevered and made the most of our time in this beautiful city. We saw Michelangelo's David, which was a lot biger than I expected (in most places anyway), we waited 3 hours in the cold to get in to the Ufizzi Gallery, which was more or less worth the wait, but most importantly we ate a lot of delicious pizza and pasta, and in spite of the cold, Gelati. After our time in Florence we made the ambitious trip to Paris by train, we left Florence at 7am and arrived in Paris at 11pm. It may not have been the best way to do things in hindsight, but we're here noww and loving it. The first two nights we slept in a bit of a hole in Belleville, but made such good use of our days that it was barely noticable that the bed was just a wooden board with a sheet on it. Our second hostel in Montemarte is mildly better.
On our first day in Paris we had a look at the Louvre, walked under the Arc D'Triomphe, climbed up the Eiffel Tower, and went to an excellent (and free) photography museum exhibiting an excellent display of amongst other things pieces from Larry Clark's work, and of course we ate a whole heap of delicious pastries. On the second day we had a look at Notre Dame cathedral, ate some more pastries, sat in a cafè with some delicious coffee, checked out Montemarte and capped off the day drinking wine on the steps of Sacre Coeur overlooking the city, and today we set out for the overwhelming task of exploring the Louvre. It was pretty excellent, but exhausting. Tomorrow we head for the Catacombs and a picnic in the Luxembourg gardens. After that we head for Munich, and after that we've decided to take a side trip to Prague, it's all very exciting.
So until next time...
Take it easy,

1 comment:

Chris said...

Hi Dylan, All this talk of italian pizza, pasta, gelati, and French pastries and coffee in Paris is just a bit hard to take. My sausages and left over stir fry for tea pales into culinary insignificance by comparison. I wonder what other oral delights await you in Munich and Prague? Perhaps german beer and sausages and I hear that the Czech beer is very good with Liptovsky syr (Liptauer cheese). But beware of the slivovitz. When you get back to London, you'll have to come back to earth with a bit of good olde British stodge and a warm ale. Then you'll be looking forward to your mother's home cooking again. Keep up the good travelling and blogging. Cheers, Uncle Chris